Fear that the weather will determine how your hair behaves, fear that you will be given a lop-sided hack-job hair cut, fear that no product will ever solve your frizz problems. Is no one thrilled to have gorgeous curls?
Even as a young stylist, education was limited. I craved and sought out classes on curly hair at every hair show I would ever attend, only to be disappointed again and again that they were teaching how TO curl but not how to work with natural curl.
A solution has been found. Get yourself a copy of "Cury Girl," by Lorraine Massey and enjoy peace of mind. Curls are a blessing. When they are moisturized and handled properly, you should never fear again.
Summertime is the perfect time to start testing out these curly hair tips- go to town!!
Key Curly Tips:
- Over cleansing (shampooing) your curls will dry them out.
- Condition, condition, condition!!!
- Load your hair with light weight conditioner from ROOT to end, smoothing the curl in small sections. THIS IS WHAT REMOVES FRIZZ.
- Apply styling products (moisturizing gels and mousses) to curls WHEN SOPPING WET, and then lightly soak up excess moisture with a microfiber towel (or paper towels). Do not twist.
- At night, sleeping with a silk or satin pillowcase will minimize frizz that occurs against the pillowcase.